Appcode add groups
Appcode add groups

appcode add groups

If the app will run in a Webex Meeting, Space, or both.You'll need to provide the following information about your embedded app: Next you'll create your embedded application on the Developer Portal. Save your changes to shared.html and shared.js and publish them to your web host.Ĭreate your Embedded App on the Developer Portal


This code largely similar to that used in the iniator app but also displays the value of the field returned by the () in the app's log console. "Shared App" is the title of the window or tab that will be createdĪpp.setShareUrl(url, "", "Shared App").then(() => `) Replace this with the URL of your shared page Wait for onReady() promise to fulfill before using framework Next you'll create the app's index.js JavaScript file.Ĭreate a JavaScript file named index.js and add to it the following code: The native console.log() function is also available to your app (once you've enabled developer tools in Meeting Center and Webex) but this provides an easier way to view app output.

  • A element used to display log statements.
  • You'll define the handleSetShare() function specified by the "onclick" attribute next.
  • A element that will be used to call setShareUrl(), passing it the URL to be opened with meeting participants, or added as a tab to a space.
  • This way you can be sure the framework has loaded before your app attempts to use it. Scripts with this attribute execute in the order in which they appear in the document. Note the defer attribute on this script tag, as well.
  • A second tag that loads your app's index.js file, which you'll create next.
  • appcode add groups

    Note the defer attribute on the script tag.

  • The first tag loads the Embedded Apps JavaScript library.
  • Click Set Share URL, then click either Open for all (when running in a meeting) or Add to tab (when running in a space). The URL for this page is loaded when a user opens the Apps tray in a meeting or space and clicks your app.Ĭreate an HTML file named index.html and add the following code to it: You'll start by creating the HTML start page for your embedded app. In a real-world solution these would be applications that provide richer user interactions and experience but the same concepts will apply. In this tutorial you’ll create two static HTML pages to represent these two apps.
  • The shared app is the app at the URL shared by the initiator app.
  • The purpose of this app is to open the URL of another embedded app with Webex meeting participants, or add as a tab to a Webex space.
  • The initiator app that a user opens from the Apps tray in a Webex meeting or space.
  • About the App You'll CreateĪs explained in overview of embedded apps, a complete embedded app solution involves two parts: You'll need the first URL when you create your app on the Developer Portal, and the second when you're writing code to call setShareUrl().

    appcode add groups

    For example, these URLs might be " " and " ". Similarly, any URLs that the initiator app shares with users with the setShareUrl() method must also be publicly accessible over HTTPS.īefore getting started, select the two URLs that you'll use for the initiator app and the shared app. The URL for your embedded app needs to available over HTTPS at a public URL.


    How to retrieve user information with the Embedded App Framework API.How to respond to events generated by the framework.How to test your app in Webex meetings and spaces.How to create and configure your embedded app in the Developer Portal.The basics of using the embedded app framework in a web application.

    appcode add groups

    In this quick start you'll create and test a basic embedded app in a Webex meeting and a Webex space.

    Appcode add groups