Returnal data cube
Returnal data cube

returnal data cube

Now, in full fairness, we don’t really know where the datacube processors appear after that, because we haven’t been able to get much further. You might need several attempts to put it off, considering how difficult the game is. This is, of course, way easier said than done, but you have to do it. So, you’ll have to keep hold of a cube all the way throughout the whole first biome, beat the boss, and only then will you be able to get whatever item might be inside it. The first datacube processor in Returnal that we’ve come across is after defeating the first boss. While we’re on the subject, keep in mind that you can only carry one datacube at a time, and you’ll lose it if you die.

returnal data cube

It won’t necessarily be in the same place, but it will be somewhere in the biome. In the first biome, though, you’ll always come across one room that has a fake wall, behind which you’ll find a datacube. It’s basically one of the ways that you make your character more powerful over time, allowing you to push further.Īs for where you can find datacube locations, since Returnal is a roguelike game, everything is randomized and the whole layout changes after you die. Once you open a datacube at the processor, you will automatically get a copy of the item, and you’ll be able to find it elsewhere in the world from then on. You can get eighteen different items from these cubes. Each datacube has a blueprint inside it, be it for a weapon, and artifact, or a consumable. What you do with Returnal datacubes is decode them in a datacube processor in order to unlock whatever is in them. Returnal Datacube Location – Where is the Datacube Processor We’ll show you all you need to know in our Returnal Datacube Location – Where is the Datacube Processor guide. You’ll want to know what to do with datacubes, and where to find the processor.

returnal data cube

It’s a fairly major way of progression, so you should figure out how it works asap. Everything you unlock whatever is in the datacube then becomes available to find in the open world in subsequent runs.

returnal data cube

Finally, in the Abyssal Scar, players can find the last datacube processor down the crater left by Ophion after the last boss fight.Datacubes in Returnal are special items that you use to unlock weapons, consumables and artifacts from, after you use the datacube processor. The datacube in Fractured Wastes is located in the main starting hub, with three hazardous rooms separating players from the cube. In Echoing Ruins, players must reach the tower toward the end of the biome the next processor can be found behind the locked door along with a fabricator. Derelict Citadel’s datacube processor is easily located in the area leading up to the boss fight. The processor in Crimson Wastes is located just before the boss fight, however, players will need the grappling hook in order to reach the platform where it sits. The first processor can be found near the teleporter that spawns after players defeat the first of Returnal’s bosses, Phrike, in the Overgrown Ruins. Generally, datacube processors can be found somewhere nearby the locations of boss fights. Unlike many aspects of Returnal, datacube processors are spawned in static locations throughout the six biomes. In order to utilize the datacubes, players must deposit them inside a datacube processor.

Returnal data cube